Healing • Channeling • Space Clearing


Tom Guyette


Phone: 763-438-1613

Email: tom.guyette@gmail.com

This Website: tguyette.com

Come Endrose Me on DaoCloud

Channeled Healing for Groups and Individuals

Telephone Conference Calls

Personal Energy Enhancements & Healing Guided by your Soul

Releasing Entity Attachments from Adults and Children

Fusing Light, Soul Retrieval, Soul Expansion and Earth Energies into your Body

Messages from and Healing for Departed Loved Ones

Space Clearing for Home and Business - Onsite and Remote

Home and Business Future Location Assessment - Onsite and Remote

Full Moon, New Moon Channeled Healings

Time is Allotted for Individual Questions and Healing

Full Moon, New Moon Channeling Series for 2023
Both Full Moon and New Moon in Plymouth, MN
Temporarily No attendance in Plymouth, Call-in only
Send email to tom.guyette@gmail.com to get on email list or
call 763-438-1613 earlier that 1 hr before event
Full MoonNew Moon
Saturday Jul 20, 2024 7:00 - 8:30 PM CT Saturday Aug 3, 2024 7:00 - 8:30 PM CT
More to come...
Join Us by Telephone Conference Call
Please Sign up 2 hrs Early to Receive Email Instructions
Channeled Healing Session Topics include:
Putting Emotion into Motion
Ascending into the Body, Releasing the need to Escape
Reconnecting with Yourself Conception to Birth
Experiencing Happiness in the Body
Establishing New Gaia Terra (Earth Mother) Connection

About Tom:

Tom is a multidimensional intuitive healer and medium. He was drawn to

spirituality for healing out of an experience of grief. From that experience,

intuitive gifts and healing abilities have opened for him. Tom is a Hawaiian

Kaula Master and has Reiki Training. He is an electrical, software and

biomedical engineer with medical training. Tom also does space clearing.